The Water Sport Center is located within the Windresort structure and on the famous beach of Puzziteddu, where you can rent or learn adrenaline sports with the best instructors of Kitesurfing, Windsurfing, Wingsurfing or surfing and sup. 

The center managed by the a.s.d. Reef, under the guidance of the Champion Francesco Cappuzzo, has a stretch of beach for the preparation of material with an adjoining launch corridor and another stretch, equipped with sunbeds and umbrellas, so as to be able to share with the rest of the family a fun and safe day of sport and sea.  The spot known as “Puzziteddu”, is one of the best and most famous in Europe,is a true paradise for water sports lovers. It’s also central to other nearby spots that are easily accessible such as the Stagnone, Capo Feto, Tonnarella, Magaggiari, Petrosino and Torre di Gaffe.


In the center it’s possible to rent all the equipment for windsurfing, kitesurfing, wingfoil, surfing and sup. The reference brands are North for equipment and Mystic for wetsuits, harnesses and accessories with high performance standards. The rescue service is included in the rental costs.

The rental is not covered by an insurance policy.



€ 50,00
€ 70,00*
€ 90,00*
€ 450,00*


€ 25,00
€ 35,00
€ 40,00
€ 200,00


€ 40,00
€ 50,00
€ 60,00
€ 120,00

* During the rental of board+kite+bar daily or weekly, it’s possible to change kite size or board sizes at all time according to the conditions.



€ 50,00
€ 70,00*
€ 90,00*
€ 450,00*


Only Rig
€ 40,00
€ 50,00
€ 60,00
€ 300,00


Only Board
€ 25,00
€ 35,00
€ 40,00
€ 200,00

*  During the rental of board+kite+bar daily or weekly, it’s possible to change kite size or board sizes at all time according to the conditions.



Complete Wing Foil Equipment
€ 60,00
€ 80,00
€ 100,00
€ 500,00


€ 40,00
€ 50,00
€ 60,00
€ 300,00


€ 40,00
€ 50,00
€ 60,00
€ 300,00


10 MINUTES / 20,00 €



€ 15,00
€ 25,00
€ 35,00
€ 140,00


€ 10,00
€ 50,00


€ 10,00
€ 50,00


€ 15,00
€ 90,00


The center is affiliated F.I.V. (Italian Sailing Federation) and IKO (International Kitesurfing Organization) is fully equipped with NORTH materials and the qualificated instructors have many years of teaching experience.

In our school, one of the best in Italy, you can learn from the first steps to the most extreme freestyle and wave maneuvers.

Kitesurfing courses

The lessons can be single or in groups of 2 or 3 people, a mix of theory and practice in the water, followed by an instructor who, with a radio transmitter and a boat, will constantly follow you with indications and corrections in complete safety.  With this unique method your lesson will be 100% kitesurfing and not 30% kitesurfing and 70% return on foot! This rapresent an added value to your lesson, faster learning and guaranteed fun.

The most frequently questions about this sport are: 

– How difficult is it to kitesurf? 

– What do you need to kitesurf? 

– How long does it take to learn? 

– How much does it cost? 

Kitesurfing is a relatively simple sport.

If practiced at an amateur level it doesn’t require particular physical effort and is not particularly tiring, which is why it’s really suitable for anyone who wants to learn, from 6 years old up to over 70 if you are used to playing sports.  All technical equipment are included in the cost of the lesson. The learning times are different according to age, water level and experience in similar sports such as sailing, windsurfing or wakeboarding.

Usually with 6-10 single lessons our students are able to be independent.


(up to 3 participants)

€ 150,00


€ 120,00


€ 220,00


€ 320,00

Compulsory insurance € 10.00. Non-competitive medical certificate required

Windsurf & surf courses

We offer basic courses for beginners and for advanced for learn freestyle or wave maneuvers such as forwardloop, backloop, vulcan, spok, flaka or simply surf the waves.  The courses include all necessary equipment (boards, sails, wetsuit, harness, life jacket, helmet) and assistance with a boat (rubber dinghy or jetski).

The courses will take place partly in the school premises for theory, on land with the help of simulators and in the water for table practice. Ours is perhaps one of the few or the only dynamics, in the sense that we are also organized to move, if the conditions were not suitable for the maneuvers to be learned we choise other nearby spots. We organize outings in Capo Feto, Petrosino and lo Stagnone.


(2 to 4 participants)

€ 40,00


€ 75,00


Wingfoil is the youngest of sailing sports. A board with foil and an inflatable kite-like wing but supported directly by the arms are the standard components of the equipment. It’s a sport that is spreading rapidly due to the simplicity of learning, having no lines like kite and requiring a minimum wind of just 10 kn, the only limit being the seabed, which must be suitable.

As with kitesurfing, for fast and safe learning, we use a radio communication system between student and instructor and the use of an inflatable boat to follow the student and retrieve him at the end of the lesson. The necessary equipment is included into the cost of the lesson which can be single or group.


(up to 3 participants)

€ 150,00


€ 120,00


€ 220,00



wakeboard e wakefoil COURSES

Ed infine in quei pochi giorni di assenza di vento o la mattina presto prima che si alzi il termico si puo fare wakeboard o wakefoil, che oltre a essere divertenti sono anche propedeutici per il kitesurf e per tutti gli  sport da foil.

Compulsory insurance € 10.00. Non-competitive medical certificate required



10 Minutes
€ 30,00


10 Minutes
€ 30,00


Have you recently started kiting, wing foiling or windsurfing and want to progress in complete safety with the support of a tutor? We have the perfect deal for you!

Our instructors will follow you closely with the help of a dinghy to provide you with their support in case of need.  sport da foil.

Compulsory insurance € 10.00. Non-competitive medical certificate required


(2 to 6 participants)

€ 40,00

(2 to 6 participants)

€ 70,00


€ 30,00


Puzziteddu geographic coordinates: 37 ° 33´36 "N - 12 ° 40´35" E

The original name of the locality, as also indicated in the nautical maps, is “Pozzo” and evokes the famous spot of Gran Canaria pozo izquierdo. This name, which probably owes its origins to the numerous wells present given the presence of aquifers, translates into the dialect “puzzu”, from which “puzziteddu” which means small well. 

The gulf of “Puzziteddu” is located between Capo Granitola ( Faro) and a picturesque cliff into the sea.

The spot is sandy for about 150-200 meters, while the E side (Tre fontane) and the W side (Capo Granitola-Kartibubbo) has two rocky reefs, respectively called “Reef point” and “Granito point”, where the wave becomes regular and ideal for the wave. The water is crystalline and when the wave breaks it is blue-green while the wind that hits the crest forms a high and uniform whisker with the foam. In winter with winds that blow with an average intensity of 20-25 kn and a wave from 1 to 3 m, ideal conditions are created for windsurfing, kitesurfing, wingfoil, sup and surfing. In summer, however, in the absence of perturbations, a thermal wind from NW is generated with a minimum intensity of 12-14 kn which can even reach 20-28 kn with forecasts of even weak NW winds, generating ideal conditions for freestyle and freeride, and the learning of all disciplines.  Starting clockwise from the first quadrant, let’s see how the spot works in detail:

WIND FROM N (north wind)  

The north wind, an offshore wind, is a wind that generally follows winds from the W and NW. Leaving the puzziteddu beach for about 50-100 meters the wind is a little gusty and requires a minimum of experience.  Kiting is not recommended, but you can move to the nearby Kartibubbo beach where the wind is side-sideoff. The best exit point is towards the end of Puzziteddu beach W side before the rocks, and then go upwind at “Granito point”, the reef located between Puzziteddu and Kartibubbo, or you can directly exit from the beach of kartibubbo where the direction is sideoff.

We also find this wind in summer under thermal winds, in the afternoon after about 17-18 as a rotation from the NW, it lasts about half an hour and heralds a sudden drop. Given the direction it is a condition for experts but our center is well equipped with recovery vehicles thanks to which you can still go out with peace of mind.  

Alternative spots nearby: “Secret” with side wind, flat on the inside and wave at about 100 m; “Signorino beach” with side wind but often too full of algae; “S. Teodoro” onshore with a wave never bigger than 1.5 m, low sandy bottom and absence of currents and dangers, ideal spots for wave beginners; Stagnone, flat with very low water ideal for freestylers or simply for freeriders who can navigate between mothia, S.Maria and the mainland.  If it blows in the not strong summer you can try the Stagnone where it usually strengthens as a local thermal.

NE WIND (north-east wind)  

It is the only wind that doesn’t enter, and therefore it is necessary to move to the other nearby spots that are described below.

Cala dei Turchi: it is located about 3 km from Puzziteddu on the road to Mazara del Vallo, immediately after Torretta, on the way to other spots, so it is still worth a look. You come out of a small beach in the middle of the rocks, and with nice clean waves (also good for surfing) but unfortunately it doesn’t always work. Pay attention to a semi-submerged rock on the left side (gozzilla). Spot for experts.  

Stagnone: flat with very low water ideal for freestylers or simply for freeriders who can navigate between Mothia, Santa Maria and the mainland.  S. Teodoro: side-onshore starboard tack, with a wave never bigger than 1.5 m, low sandy bottom and absence of currents and dangers, ideal spots for wave beginners.  S. Vito lo Capo: side-onshore starboard tack, you come out of a beach with golden sand that is one of the most beautiful in Sicily. Absence of dangers.  S. Giuliano (Trapani): side-onshore starboard tack, sand, and especially in winter beautiful waves for jumping and for some botton on the frontside.

WIND FROM E (east)  

The condition is sideshore on port tack with waves outside and small chops ((da controllare meglio)) near the shore thanks to the protective action of the “reef point” placed upwind. The ideal exit point is right in front of the club and the conditions are easy and such as to make the exit safe and fun for all kitesurfers and windsurfers. In these conditions it is the best spot in the area and therefore it is not advisable to move to other parts.  If you are in the presence of a summer but weak perturbation east, the only spot where it strengthens as thermal is Magaggiari (Cinisi).  

WIND FROM SE (sirocco)  The condition is side-onshore on port tack. If the wind isn’t strong, it is advisable to go out in front of the club where the presence of waves allows the execution of jumps and backside surfing. The exit is easy and safe. In strong wind conditions the most demanding can move downwind, in the nearby bay of Kartibubbo, which due to the different exposure presents side-sideoff conditions always on left tack and with more regular and spaced waves ideal for both jumps and wave riding. .  It is precisely the sirocco together with the subsequent mistral NO that have made the spot famous. Alternative spots nearby: Tonnarella beach (Mazara del vallo), side tack on the left. The best exit point is in front of the “circle”, where the wind is even stronger than Puzziteddu but with a smaller wave. It is easy to go out with small chops but at about 100 m there is a fun beach break. Ideal spot for less experienced people or when the conditions are too extreme in Puzziteddu. Further downwind towards Marsala we also find the Signorino spot with even stronger wind but almost flat water. Finally, you can go out to the Stagnone on the S. Maria side for flat water lovers.     

VENTO DA S (ostro) 

It is a rare wind that comes in onshore, and quite safe. As an alternative spot, you can go to Magaggiari (Cinisi), near Palermo, or if there is a wave for sulfate lovers, you can go out at the “killer”.

WIND FROM SW (libeccio)  

It enters side-onshore on starboard tack and is a rare wind like the previous ostro, which still creates good conditions for jumps and backside rides but not suitable for frontside ones. It raises beautiful waves especially on the reef in front of the club and if it tends towards the West, going downwind also creates good conditions for some frontside bottons. The ideal point is where the rocks end and the other stretch of beach begins (Tre Fontane W side), reachable with a couple of loose edges.  As an alternative spot in the area, thus excluding Magaggiari once again because it is not very close, there is a secret in the Marsala area, always suitable for the wave, difficult to reach if you do not know it well where you can possibly go with some local, or S. Teodoro where with this direction there is no wave unless the libeccio is following a perturbation of the mistral or west.     

WIND FROM W (west)  

Sideshore to starboard is together with the sirocco and the mistral the predominant wind in the area. Normally following the sirocco SE in winter it immediately raises a wave that becomes long and regular due to the NW rotation that generally follows. With the west and the mistral NW described below, the reef point that distinguishes the spot works, presenting waves that, based on the perturbation, are on average 1.5-2 m high (it’s a really playground!). Although high, the waves still remain long, distant from each other and therefore relatively easy compared to other spots with waves of the same height.  When it blows in the summer it is never too strong and ideal for having fun in complete safety. However, it is sufficient to go downwind towards Trefontane, with some edge, or by car, of about ½ mile to find stronger wind conditions. If not even here it is good you can try “Lumia”, just after Sciacca about 30 minutes by car from Puzziteddu.

NW WIND (mistral)  

This is the wind that we are all waiting for, side-sideoff on right tack, you jump on the exit and on the return you can perform all kinds of maneuvers. The ideal point is the reef point where after having performed an infinite number of bottons and cutbacks, downwind of it you can go outwind with flat water or waves in any case long and then retanning to play. Generally, a sheet of flat water forms inside the reef just in front of the club or slightly downwind, ideal for “inserting” various freestyle maneuvers.  The mistral is also loved for its summer presence as a thermal wind. Blowing from June to August in high pressure conditions, due to the effect of the air-water temperature difference, it makes the spot ideal for freestyle and freeride. Often it also reaches 20-25 knots and/or raises fun waves at granite point, the reef positioned between Puzziteddu and Kartibubbo. The area inside the reef point remains the ideal area for flat water freestyle.


In Puzziteddu, thanks to the temperate climate, the summer presence of thermal winds and the natural and often passage of Atlantic disturbances, the number of good days for sailing and surfing sports is really high. the directions and in any case within a maximum radius of about 3/4 of an hour by car you can find conditions for all tastes and abilities. Among the services offered we are also available through an expert guide, to take you by our van, or simply to accompany you in the spots described or in others that are not shown for the sake of brevity. There are no areas dedicated entirely to windsurfing or kitesurfing, you go out and have fun together respecting the rules on navigation as defined by the Navigation Code.