• Selinunte

  • Erice

  • Mazara del Vallo


A lot of advice awaits you from our local staff on itineraries, tours and the best restaurants. The sea, the wind, the sun, the food… what else do you want?

Kite Trip

Thanks to its proximity to the island of Favignana, the property organizes, in favorable weather conditions, private Kite Trips with its guests. A highly qualified instructor accompanies small groups interested in visiting Favignana by rubber dinghy, departing from the structure, but with the possibility of kitesurfing or wingfoil. Swimsuit, packed lunch, sports equipment and fun is guaranteed!

Equestrian Center

A few hundred meters away it’s possible to find an equestrian center which, with high professionalism, allows advanced and beginner to take beautiful walks in the nature reserve behind the resort, at sunset on the beach or, why not, take western lessons. Super Suitable for children and adults of all ages.

Preola Lake

A few kilometers from the resort, you can visit the Lake Preola and Gorghi Tondi integral nature reserve, a protected natural area managed by the WWF Italia Onlus. We recommend the bike route, which can be rented directly at our resort.


We are located just 20 km from the famous Selinunte, an ancient Greek city located on the southwestern coast of Sicily. Today it is the largest archaeological park in Europe. A unique and exciting excursion full of history.


Discover the wonderful medieval village of Erice. A village with a unique atmosphere, with ancient roots that have their origins between myths and legends.

Boat excursions

One of the most beautiful experiences that the resort offers is the sunrise excursion on a rubber dinghy in search of dolphins. In fact, in particular periods of the year on calm days, it is possible to live a unique experience of its kind. Go out to sea, turn off the engine and enjoy the liveliness of these beautiful animals playing in their natural habitat.

Cave di Cusa

A visit to the Cusa quarries is a must. An archaeological site located in the territory of Campobello di Mazara. These are the stone quarries from which the material for Selinuntine constructions was extracted. They were in use from the 6th century BC. until the defeat of the Greeks by the Carthaginians in 409 BC.

Mazara del Vallo

We are at 12 km from the famous town of Mazara del Vallo, known for its splendid Cathedral, the Satyr museum, the largest fishing port in Italy and the famous Arab area "Kasbah". Mazara will be one of your favorite destinations. Here you will find the best restaurants and unforgettable guided tours.


We are at 25 km from Marsala, a city that still retains its archaeological character (Garibaldi landed in 1860). City of wine, flowers and,above all, of Salt. The Saline are very famous and are still in business today. A gastronomic and wine visit to the most famous wineries is recommended. The Saline dello Stagnone is very famous and is still active today.


Rinforza i muscoli, diventa flessibile e impara a calmare la mente! Classi di yoga al tramonto con insegnanti altamente qualificati ti aspettano al Windresort.